
How To Paint My Computer Case From Black To Anodized Red

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Anodizing uses acrid to create a corrosion- and wear-resistant layer on acme of a metallic. The process of anodizing also changes the crystal construction well-nigh the surface of substances, like aluminum blend, which allows you to dye the metal a bright color. [1] At-home anodizing can be useful for projects like protecting metallic family heirlooms and old jewelry. It tin besides be a great at-domicile experiment to try with older kids. Simply remember to take extra precautions with caustic substances, like lye and sulfuric acid, when you anodize aluminum at home, every bit these products may cause chemic burns if handled incorrectly.

  1. one

    Purchase some standard aluminum alloy metallic parts. Anodizing works particularly well with aluminum, then, if careful, you can do it at home. Use small aluminum pieces to begin with so that you can submerge it in small quantities of acid.[ii]

    • You tin find small aluminum parts for this purpose relatively affordably from most home improvement stores, as well every bit online.
    • During this process, the part that you are anodizing volition function as your anode.
  2. 2

    Buy a thick plastic tub to submerge your metallic. Choose a type of plastic that is extremely hard and durable. The exact size of the tub you will need depends on what you lot're working with, but it should be large enough to hold your metal piece and the aluminum and however have some extra room for the liquids.[3]


  3. 3

    Find some clothing dye at a local craft store. During the anodizing process, y'all can dye the metallic almost whatsoever color using a standard fabric dye. This is the process Apple uses to color iPods. [4]

    • Yous can besides purchase special dye for anodizing that may produce better results.
  4. 4

    Purchase the items yous need for anodizing. You will need several particular pieces of equipment to anodize at abode. Near of these items tin exist establish at your local hardware or home improvement store. These include:

    • A degreaser production
    • 2 lead cathodes long enough to overhang your plastic bin
    • A roll of aluminum wire
    • Enough distilled water to make full your plastic tub
    • Baking soda
    • Condom gloves
  5. v

    Find places to buy the hard-to-source supplies. For anodizing, you will demand several gallons of sulfuric acid (bombardment acid), lye, and a constant power supply of at to the lowest degree twenty volts. The bombardment acrid may be hard to detect; notwithstanding, information technology is commonly available at auto parts stores. A large battery charger should work as a constant ability supply.

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  1. 1

    Launder your metal with soap and h2o. Cleaning off dirt and droppings helps go along the anodizing procedure running smoothly, and reduces the chances of imperfections as yous work. Wash the object you lot want to anodize using a gentle detergent and warm water. Then, dry it completely with a clean rag or paper towel.[five]

  2. 2

    Apply a degreaser with a cloth. Following the instructions on the product packaging, utilise your degreaser to remove any additional oil from the production. Wipe it away equally necessary, making sure that no product remains on your metal before y'all move to the next pace.[half dozen]

  3. 3

    Dilute lye in water to create a scouring solution. In a small plastic tub, mix 3 tbsp. (44 ml) of lye in 1 gallon (3.8 50) of distilled h2o. Wearing a pair of rubber gloves, identify the object you want to anodize into the lye solution. Allow it to sit for three minutes, and so remove it and rinse information technology thoroughly with warm water.[7]

    • The lye will remove any existing anodizing on the surface of the metal. In one case it is removed, water should pour off the surface hands, instead of beading.
    • Clothing condom gloves whenever working with lye.
    • Exercise non apply measuring spoons or cups that are used for food products. The materials used in this process are toxic.
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  1. 1

    Place your plastic tub in a well-ventilated surface area. The tub should also be placed away from things that could exist harmed during this process. Set information technology on a piece of plywood and/or a thick drop cloth in case of spills. A garage with an open door or a shed with all doors and windows open is usually a good location.[viii]

    • For best results, do this when the indoor temperature is between 70 and 72 degrees Fahrenheit (21 to 22 degrees Celsius).
  2. ii

    Set up your power supply. Gear up it on a not-flammable cloth, similar physical. Use a multimeter, available from virtually car supplies stores, to make certain your battery is working consistently.[nine]

    • Y'all will need to connect the positive wire from your battery charger or rectifier to a wire that volition be strung to your aluminum.
    • You will need to connect your negative wire from your battery charger to an aluminum wire continued to 2 lead cathodes.
  3. 3

    Tie one end of the long aluminum wire to your anode. 12-gauge aluminum wire works well for this use. Wrap it or connect it to the part in an camouflaged area. If your anodizing a fundamental, for example, yous may wrap the wire around the join betwixt the blade and the bow.[x]

    • The area of the role that connects to the wire will not anodize.
    • Make sure it is very tightly wrapped for a more consistent charge.
  4. four

    Wrap the middle of the wire around a thin piece of wood. The woods should be longer than your plastic tub. This will give y'all leverage to elevator it out when you are done. Make sure you accept extra wire extending toward your ability supply after you wrap it.[11]

    • Examination the wooden handle to make certain your aluminum function volition exist fully submerged in the acid mix, simply not touching the base of your plastic tub.
  5. 5

    Gear up a pb cathode on each side of your tank. String aluminum wire between the cathodes and connect them together on your pocket-size wood plank. You lot volition attach the negatively charged power supply to this wire.[12]

    • Brand sure the wire connecting the anode does non touch on the atomic number 82 cathodes.
  6. 6

    Brand a 1:1 mixture of distilled h2o and battery acid in your plastic tub. The amount you utilise will depend upon the size of the metal part you want to anodize. You should accept plenty to completely submerge your anode. Exist very careful not to spill equally you mix.[xiii]

    • Put on a mask or respirator before you starting time working with acid. Plough on a fan to ventilate the area.
    • Always pour the h2o in earlier the acid.
    • If you spill whatsoever acid, embrace information technology quickly with baking soda.
  7. 7

    Connect your aluminum wires to your power supply. The wire that leads from your anode should connect to the positive terminal on your power supply. The wire that leads from the pb cathodes should connect to the negative terminal of your ability supply.[14]

    • Earlier yous turn on your power supply, check the expanse around your plastic tub to make sure there aren't any spills. You should besides double-check to ensure the ability is safely continued and your skin is completely covered.
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  1. 1

    Turn on your ability source. Once your power source is on, slowly plow it upwardly to accomplish your ideal amperage. A adept dominion of thumb is to apply 12 amps per foursquare pes of material. (12 amps per every 0.09 square meters of material).[15]

    • Increasing the power too fast or using besides much can burn your aluminum wires.
  2. ii

    Keep the power supply constant for 45 minutes. You will see little oxidation bubbling kickoff to form on the surface of the anode. The anode will also start to alter color, turning brownish, so yellow.[16]

    • If you don't meet bubbling forming within about 30 seconds of starting your ability supply, plow your power supply off and check your connections. This is usually an indicator that your power supply wasn't properly connected.
  3. 3

    Mix your dye during the anodizing process. If yous program on dying your part, gear up the dye so that it is hot and ready when your anode comes out of the bath. Dissimilar dyes will take different requirements, so prepare your dye as directed on the production packaging.[17]

    • Heating the dye volition help increase the amount of pigment your part picks upwardly. However, the dye should not exist heated to a temperature over 122 °F (50 °C).
    • Dye can exist damaging to pots, so use an old one that you no longer use for food.
  4. 4

    Plough off the power supply after 45 minutes. Once your anode is done in the bath, turn off your power supply before attempting to retrieve it. Remove your aluminum advisedly and rinse it with distilled water.[18]

    • Work rapidly if you plan on dying your part.
    • Exist sure to wear protective gloves when retrieving and rinsing your part.
  5. 5

    Identify the aluminum part in the warm dye bath. Allow the part sit down in the dye for 15 minutes. If you are but dying role of your anode (such as the bow of a key), wrap your aluminum wire around the part you lot don't want to dye. Utilize this every bit a handle to dip your anode into the dye.[xix]

    • If you lot exercise non program on dying your aluminum function, skip straight to boiling the function in distilled h2o for thirty minutes.
  6. vi

    Boil distilled water on a hot plate. You should have enough water to fully submerge your anode. In one case your anode is done in the dye bathroom, remove it and place it in the boiling water for 30 minutes. [20]

  7. 7

    Remove the hot metal carefully and allow it to dry. Prepare your newly dyed aluminum on a clean towel or rag and permit information technology to cool completely earlier handling. Once cooled, the surface should be sealed.[21]

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  • Question

    What is lye and how do I purchase it?

    Community Answer

    Lye is Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH). Y'all can discover it in grocery stores in drain cleaner, clog removal chemicals, or the plumbing section.

  • Question

    Do I mix the dye into the battery acid and water solution during anodizing?

    Community Answer

    No, you practise not add dye to the acid/water solution at all. The dye bath comes afterward the function is rinsed in clean water.

  • Question

    The word lead----is it PB metal or is it a word which means direction? To lead or follow?

    Community Answer

    The cathodes can be lead (element Pb), although people successfully utilize aluminum rods or plates likewise.

  • Question

    Where can I detect lead-based anodes and cathodes?

    Community Answer

    To exist clear, the leads do not have to be made of pb (element Atomic number 82). This is just the name given to a wire that carries electric current (in DC circuits that is). Any wire that carries electricity should suffice, in this case they use aluminum leads.

  • Question

    Is the anodized surface non-cunductive to electricity, i.due east. an insulator?

    Community Answer

    Yes, the surface is non-conductive. You can imagine information technology as an electrical conductor (aluminum), covered by an insulator (anodized layer).

  • Question

    Is information technology OK to employ a l/50 mix of water and acid I bought at the auto parts shop?

    Community Answer

    Yes. The acid (battery acid) you get at the auto parts shop is 37 percent sulfuric acrid. Mixing 50/l with demineralized water gives you approximately the right concentration (should be between 16.five and 22.5 percent).

  • Question

    Tin I apply a 1/4" diameter 7075-T6 threaded rod to attach a positive electrode to a 7075-T6 forged lower receiver?

    Community Answer

    Yes, you can, simply the electric current he lists hither is likewise depression to be hard-coat, so it is non the aforementioned equally buying one anodized. To hard-coat, you need to do at 32 F and utilize a regulated power supply to slowly ramp your current upwards to 24 - 30 A/sqft. The instructions here are type Two anodizing, and if you are looking for Blazon III, you volition exist disappointed with the immovability.

  • Question

    Does it have to be aluminum wire?

    Community Answer

    No, you can use anything aluminum you similar, as long as the aluminum touches the object yous want to anodize and your positive lead. I bought wire from Home Depot then it's non difficult to find and it's the easiest way to suspend the object you desire to anodize.

  • Question

    Practice I add the dye to the acid? That is what it looks similar in #three. If and so, then do I let it sit in the acid/dye for 15 minutes, or is the dye in a separate pan?

    Community Answer

    No. You want to keep the acid bath as absurd as possible during the procedure (l-70 degrees F max), while the dye bath needs to be considerably warmer (~120 degrees F). Utilize dissever tubs.

  • Question

    Will the anodization process change the dimensions of the part?

    Community Answer

    The aluminum role decreases its overall dimensions slightly but is substituted by the anodized layer, so terminal dimensions remain almost the aforementioned.

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  • Many of the supplies required for this projection can be dangerous if spilled or ingested. Make a workstation away from children and pets. Always vesture thick work clothes, safety goggle, and gloves.

  • Never pour water into acrid. It tin event in humid over and bravado up. This reaction is due to the rut generated, and it can consequence in acid burns.


Things You'll Need

  • Aluminum parts
  • Thick work wear
  • Rubber gloves
  • Safe glasses
  • Thick plastic tub
  • Mild soap
  • Distilled water
  • Plastic/metal bowl
  • Degreaser
  • Lye
  • Sulfuric acid
  • Modest lead cathodes
  • Onetime measuring spoons
  • Blistering soda
  • Power supply (ex. car battery charger)
  • Respirator/fan
  • Erstwhile metallic pot
  • Hotplate/stove height

About This Article

Commodity Summary X

To anodize aluminum, gear up a plastic tub in a well-ventilated area and put your power supply on a not-flammable surface. Side by side, tie one end of a 12-guess aluminum wire to your anode, wrap the middle of the wire around a slice of wood, and set a lead cathode on each side of the tub. Mix 1 part distilled water and one part battery acid in the tub, connect the aluminum wires to the power supply, and turn on the ability source for 45 minutes. Then, remove your aluminum from the tub and rinse information technology with distilled water. For more tips on creating the anodizing bath, read on!

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