How To Render Armor Digitally Paint
Last fourth dimension we were cartoon a realistic female warrior in a cute suit of armor. Today we're going to turn these lines into existent, shiny metal. It's quite a complicated issue, but I'll show you a simplified method to achieve great results. You lot simply need Adobe Photoshop and some free time.
Tutorial Assets
- My set of brushes (optional)
1. Prepare the Painting Base
Step 1
Create a New File and paste your line art into information technology. Lower its Opacity to 20 and lock the layer.

Step 2
Create a New Layer. Use a difficult brush (if y'all employ my gear up: Ink) to draw the outline of the warrior. Don't leave any gaps!

Step iii
Apply the Magic Wand Tool (W) to select the area outside the body. Invert the option (Command-Shift-I), create a New Layer, and make full it with the Paint Bucket Tool (G). You can now remove the lower layer.

Step iv
This layer defines the borders of the character. Nosotros don't desire anything crossing these lines. To do it we need to clip a layer to the base.

Use bright, bright colors to paint different areas of the armor, with a dissever layer for every color. You need to plan it to use as few layers as possible, without making the areas of i color touch each other.

Stride five
Even though nosotros don't see what's outside the Clipping Mask, these parts are still at that place. Let's remove them! Utilise the Magic Wand Tool (W) to select the surface area exterior the mask, and then utilize that choice to cutting parts from every clipped layer.

Step six
This isn't the end. If you Control-click a clipped layer, you'll see each of them has some parts covered by some other. Let's make clean information technology past selecting an area of ane layer and cutting the choice from every other layer, footstep by footstep.

It may take some time, but in the end all the colors should comprehend only the areas they're supposed to.

ii. Paint the Armor
Step ane
The Clipping Mask with all its clipped layers will be our guides, but they won't be a role of the final pic. Create a New Layer and use the selection of the Clipping Mask to fill up it with night blue (only not black). Fill up the background with l% greyness to encounter the lighting meliorate.

Step 2
We did cover the guide layers, but nosotros tin can hibernate/show that upper layer whenever we want to run across them. Each of the clipped layers creates some borders—nosotros need to use them.
The whole adapt of armor isn't made of a single material. To color a part:
- Hide the coloring layer.
- Pick the Motility Tool (V) and Control-click the part you want to color.
- The layer of that area will be selected; Control-click its thumbnail to make a choice.
- Prove the coloring layer.
- Fill up the option with chosen colour.
Use just dark shades of the colors! Tip: if the selection distracts you, use Control-H to hibernate it.

Step 3
Fourth dimension to add some shine. Create a New Layer. Catch a brush with variable Menses (like my Sketch Detail), selection a very bright colour (e.thousand. low-saturated yellow, but not white), and paint the shine on all the metal parts. Still employ the previous method to constrain your painting!

Step 4
Employ the same method to add polish to the golden parts. Again, don't use white, but a very bright version of the base of operations color.

Stride 5
Add light to the non-metal parts, besides. This fourth dimension employ only a slightly brighter shade, and cover a bigger expanse with information technology.

Step 6
Use a nighttime, depression-saturated greenish to paint reflected light on the opposite side of the armor.

Do the same with the golden parts, this time using a yellow shade.

Non-metallic parts have reflected low-cal, likewise, merely weaker and less spectacular.

Footstep seven
Create a New Layer between the coloring layer and the lighting layer. Utilize a soft brush (like my Soft) and brilliant, low-saturated blueish to give a kind of glow under the shiny stripes.

For golden parts use orange.

3. Finish the Armor
Step 1
Non-metal parts require a softer blending, co-ordinate to their texture. Have some time to make the light distorted by the surface of the leather.

Step 2
Create a New Layer and paint a pocket-size golden rivet on information technology. It will piece of work best if you create a subtle shadow under information technology.

Step iii
If you have Photoshop CS4 or lower, you demand to re-create and paste the rivet to decorate the armor. If your software is CS5 or higher, endeavor the pull a fast one on described in my Mixer Brush Tool tutorial (section 2, steps ane to 3).

Step four
You lot may need to adjust the rivets to the perspective. Select the area with the Lasso Tool (L) and utilize the Free Transform Tool (Control-T) to gear up it.

Step five
To adjust the rivets to the lighting without working too much, we tin utilize a trick. Double click the layer with all the rivets and play with the blending options as described in my tutorial near Alloy If.

Step 6
Use the same trick to add other rivets.

Pace 7
I've called a trendy blackened metal for the armor, just if you want a more traditional steel-gray, just add more reflected shades. Y'all can add together stripes of low saturated red.

Step 8
To create the chainmail, we tin use the Mixer Brush play tricks.

Employ the Gratis Transform Tool (Control-T) inWarp Fashion to adapt the "texture" to the proper shape.

You can apply the Blend If fob to automatically adjust the lighting.

Footstep 9
To show that the armor isn't fabricated of paper-thin plates, add subtle lighting to its edges.

Step ten
At this point information technology's upwardly to you what you practise with the armor to make it wait meliorate. You can pause the shiny strokes with our Scratched Metallic Brushes, or you can add colorful reflected light here and in that location... Just have fun!

The Armor Is Done!
Isn't that i cute conform of armor? As you lot can see, painting metal isn't equally hard equally you might await. I hope you found this tutorial useful.
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